Kappa Alpha Order has six main pillars that we all live by. You can read more about them below. We also have two mottos we follow: "Dieu Et Les Dames" and "Frateres Usque Ad Aram Fidelis."

"Dieu Et Les Dames"
Our primary motto is French for "For God and for women." This motto demonstrates our reverence for the Almighty and our reverence for the purity of women. As gentlemen of The Order, it is imperative that we never forget either of these crucial aspects of our values.
"Frateres Usque Ad Aram Fidelis"
Our secondary motto is Latin for "Brothers faithful until death." This motto demonstrates that Kappa Alpha is not just a brotherhood for the duration of your college experience, but is a lifelong fellowship.

Current Knight Commander
King V. Aiken, Jr.
Six Pillars of Kappa Alpha Order
- Reverence: It is crucial to our identity that we hold reverence for God, for women and for the ideals of our order.
- Gentility: We are gentlemen at all times, not only with women but also with each other and with our community.
- Knowledge: We pursue knowledge at all times through our academics and our fraternity.
- Leadership: Every KA should strive to be a leader whether by example or by action.
- Brotherhood: Our fraternal vows are for life. Anyone who enters this order will always be our brother and, as such, is entitled to the privileges and rights therein.
- Excellence: We strive for excellence in everything we do, be it academics, athletics, vocational or any other area of our life, a man's education is never complete. No matter what you have accomplished, you can always do more.